Plan sites without the stress.

AREOI brings together powerful planning tools and supercharges them with AI and automation, allowing teams to manage and collaborate on client analysis, visual sitemaps and content creation – from one place.

Client analysis

Better understand your clients.

Let Bella crawl your clients existing website and learn who they are, what they do and how they do it differently – with one click.

Visual sitemaps

Create the perfect website structure.

Generate a tailored sitemap in less than 10 seconds ready for your team to add, edit and organise pages to perfection – with a visual preview.

Content creation

Effortlessly craft creative content.

Add your own content directly in the platform or let Bella write it for you in 60 seconds while seeing a low fidelity wireframe of your page structure – instantly.

AI generated analysis

Identify key information about who your client is, what they do and how they do it differently.

Pre-populate data

Add contact details and social media profiles to automatically be included across designs.

Data syncing

Update details in planning and they are auto synced across design and build.

AI generated sitemaps

Bella generates tailored sitemaps based on website purpose, industry and offering.

Sitemap builder

Visualise website structure with a simple to use sitemap builder and preview.

Task automation

Add pages to sitemaps and they are auto created in design and build.

AI generated content

Bella writes a full page of optimised content tailored to your needs in 60 seconds.

Add features

Drop features like forms, media galleries and call to actions directly in to your content.

Instant wireframes

Preview how content will be structured on a page with a real time low fidelity wireframe.

Design without the complexity.

Powerful drag and drop design editor integrated with AI and automation. Empowering you to craft beautiful, bespoke and responsive designs and interactive prototypes – with one click.